Saturday 13 December 2014

Safe Driving in Fog

Safe Driving Over Winter and especially in Fog

We are approaching that time of year when visibility can be extremely dangerous.  While we wish all our Customer, Employees and Website Visitors happy holidays over the Winter period we should all take extra care driving of over the next few months.  A recent edition of the TV program Qi announced that Fog in the UK, especially in Greater London causes more fatalities than any other type of weather, due to vehicle driving crashes under extreme Fog conditions.

Taking precautions and knowing what to do when on the road can help reduce risk.  Fog dramatically reduces visibility, meaning motorists must reduce their speeds significantly to ensure the roads are safe for both themselves and other users.

Fog lights: The Highway Code states that headlights must be used when visibility is less than 100 metres – roughly the length of a football pitch. Those needing to travel are advised to take extra care and ensure their lights (particularly fog lights) are in good working order before setting off. Drivers should also carry a mobile phone with a fully-charged battery and car adaptor if available (together with contact numbers if not already stored on the phone), and should ensure that their fuel tank is full, as using lights and heating can use a lot more fuel than usual.

Please Drive Safe and Keep Alive.

For more information please visit the following websites.

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